1. Not looking at your options closely enough is the number one pitfalls when selecting appliances. There are more varieties of household appliances now than ever-get out there and shop!
2. Since the kitchen is one of the most dangerous rooms in the home, watching safety is key too. Keep an eye out for safety locks and other devices that will help minimize safety risks in your kitchen.
3. Asking questions about the newest and latest in appliance innovation-there are a lot more features available today than when you grew up. You don't have to furnish your kitchen to match your grandmothers! Look at some convection ovens, halogen ranges and other speed-oriented cooking aids.
4. Not keeping an eye on energy-efficiency is a mistake. Some of the new appliances can more than make up for their higher price tag just in energy bills down the road. Not only will you be kind to your wallet, but to the environment as well.
5. Listening is another area of importance in appliance shopping. Some models are built for open floor plans with their focus on quiet function. Be sure to take the noise factor into consideration.
Are You Ready to Buy?
Remember to match your appliances to your kitchen design and to double and triple check your measurements. You have all the basics down. But before you go shopping, why don't you test what you've learned with our quick quiz?
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