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Compare products, prices and thousands of helpful reviews!

Froople helps you select the right product from over 5 million items. Our consumer reviews and comparison tools it easy to compare products and prices so you can be sure you're making the right decision.

Compare Products 
Froople lets you compare similar products to each other across a wide range of features and specifications. 

Easily comparing products side-by-side:
Use the menus to select those products that match your needs
Check off the specific products you want to compare
Click the "Compare" button to see products side-by-side on the same page
Compare Prices 
Froople makes it easy to compares prices from over 3,000 stores so you can make an informed decision. Products are listed with their price range and the number of stores that offer the product. 

Click the "Compare Prices" button to see a page listing the stores that sell the product. Froople offers detailed store information about price and availability. 

For each store you can compare:
Total Price, including tax and shipping based on your zip code
Stock status for each store (ex: In Stock, Out of Stock, etc.)
Store ratings based on consumer reviews and ratings
Read Reviews from Epinions 
Froople has over 1 million consumer reviews and ratings from members of the Epinions community, the Web's leading consumer review and rating site. 

Products are rated on a 1 to 5 star scale with 5 stars being the highest rating. Reviews include an overall rating as well as attribute specific ratings (e.g. picture quality for televisions, durability for vacuums). 

Each Epinions review includes:
Pros / Cons
The Bottom Line (a quick summary of the review)
Hundreds of words describing the product and its use
The date the review was written and the author's name