AHA Press Release

CONTACT: Dawn Cabral
Environics Communications
203-325-8772, ext. 16
[email protected]


Up to 60% of All Homes are Over-Assessed and Not in Line with Their Actual Value*

STAMFORD, CONN. (August 3, 2004) - The American Homeowners Association (AHA)®, the organization that has delivered buying power, influence and consumer advice to hundreds of thousands of members across the country since 1994, today introduced its new Homeowner's Property Tax Reduction Kit, available at www.homeownertaxcut.com. The Kit is a comprehensive, step-by-step action guide for the 80 million American homeowners who want to protect their rights as property owners. It includes an 84-page manual providing instructions, tips, and forms that enables homeowners to use proven methods to reduce their property taxes by appealing any tax assessment that may be inaccurate or unfair.

"The real estate tax is the single largest source of revenue for state and local governments. Federal cutbacks and budget shortfalls across states, counties and municipalities have produced sizable increases in property taxes across the nation, placing a substantially greater burden on many homeowners," says Richard Roll, AHA's founder and president. "Unfair or inaccurate tax assessments happen for many reasons -- everything from software glitches to mistakes by assessors during housing valuation. That's why AHA is bringing all homeowners the means to determine if their property may be wrongly assessed, including the tools to appeal the process. We're pleased to add this important new Kit to our extensive list of exclusive consumer benefits and services."

The Kit shows homeowners exactly how to know if they are paying more in property taxes than needed. In addition, it provides homeowners, regardless of location, with access to all the appropriate forms necessary to initiate the appeal process with their local tax board and a glossary of the most commonly used property tax terms to familiarize homeowners with the language used during the appeal process.

"Experts estimate that up to 60 percent of all residential properties nationwide are over-assessed, and studies have shown that although less than two percent of assessments are appealed, usually, 75 to 90 percent of all appeals result in a reduction of taxes," Roll points out. "AHA's Property Tax Reduction Kit explains the entire assessment process, the most common assessment errors and empowers homeowners with the tools necessary to obtain a successful reduction in their property taxes."

AHA's Property Tax Reduction Kit represents one of many AHA service offerings, which include providing homeowners with a forum to allow their collective voice to be heard by the nation's leaders and elected officials on issues of concern, such as the escalating costs associated with rising property taxes nationwide.

Membership in the AHA is not necessary to purchase the Property Tax Reduction Kit, and it can be downloaded at www.homeownertaxcut.com for $29.95. All of AHA's existing members will receive online access to the Homeowner's Property Tax Reduction Kit as a membership benefit at no additional charge. Homeowners wishing to sign up for a 30-day risk-free trial membership to the AHA can download the kit for a one-time processing fee of $1.95 by visiting www.homeownertaxcut.com.

* Source - The National Taxpayers Union

About American Homeowners Association (AHA)®

The American Homeowners Association (AHA) (www.ahahome.com), America's leading homeowner membership and advocacy group, delivers buying power, influence and consumer advice to millions of homeowners in every state. Frequently called "the AAA for homeowners," AHA was founded in 1994 and has its headquarters in Stamford, Conn. AHA provides its members with over 30 key benefits that save them money; provide opportunities for improving their lives, security and safety at home; educate and inform them on homeowner topics and transactions; and provide a unified voice to elected officials on behalf of homeowners on important issues.

AHA membership is open to all consumers, and owning a home is not a requirement. In fact, some twenty percent of its members do not currently own their homes. A full year's membership costs $99, and a 30-day risk-free trial membership is available to first time users at www.ahamembership.com.

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