Keep Comfortable with High-tech Shower Valves
Home appliances are smarter and more digitized than ever, so there's no reason
that bath fixtures should be low-tech. The latest thermostatic, pressure-
balancing fixtures are programmable within two degrees Fahrenheit. Try to
adjust your old pull-on and push-off valve that closely! Newer shower valves
provide an extra margin of comfort and safety, according to James Dulley in
The Journal Newspapers.
Adjusting traditional fixtures can be hit or miss with lots of wasted time and
water just trying to achieve the right temperature. All that frustration
contributes to higher water and utility bills. The new valves balance hot
and cold water to achieve the perfect temperature and flow.
That kind of precision is important in preventing injury. More than 5,000
elderly people and children are scalded each year in bathroom incidents.
Typically, someone slips or loses balance in the shower, and knocks or grabs
onto the shower fixture for balance. In the process, the water gets turned on
to full-blasting hot. Average senior citizens can get burned even under
normal circumstances because they lack temperature sensitivity. The safe
solution is to install a temperature-balancing shower head, or a scald
protector onto your existing head. Scald protectors cost only about $15.
But if you're in the market for it, the new valves really offer comfort and
safety. Basically, they are engineered to maintain a constant temperature by
balancing water pressure from the hot and cold sides, as well as controlling
the mixture of hot and cold water. The most sophisticated models are
completely electronic. You can program up to three different water
temperatures. Mom, Dad or Junior pushes one of three buttons for just the
right temperature. Some even have multiple spray units for a full-body
shower. You can check the temperature via digital readout or analog dial.
Other thermostatic valves offer separate flow and temperature controls. Once
you set the temperature the first time, it will stay the same for every