June 5, 2004  
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Featured Issue: How to Avoid Mold and Moisture Problems

Moisture Damage Warning Signs In the Bathroom

    Around the Toilet Look For:

  • Leaks around the water line
  • Signs of staining or mushiness in the flooring around the rim seal, which indicates a leak

    Around All Plumbing Lines Watch For:

  • Sounds of dripping in the wall
  • Dampness on the walls in the bathroom or the adjoining room
  • Leaks or dampness under the sink

    Maintenance Tip:

  • Go to the basement and inspect the ceiling directly under the bathtub for signs of slow leaks.

    Around the Exhaust Fan Look For:

  • Any signs that the fan has stopped working or has been disconnected
  • Any signs of dampness on the walls around the fan

    Maintenance Tip:

  • If the fan doesn't currently come on automatically when entering the bathroom, consider having the wiring changed so that it will.

    Around and In Showers and Bathtubs Look For

  • Any signs of missing, warped or broken caulking around the bathtub
  • Any cracked tiles or missing grout
  • Any sign that water stands in tub after emptying

    Maintenance Tip:

  • Treat all bathroom drains regularly to prevent hair buildup and clogs.


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