June 5, 2004  
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Featured Issue: How to Avoid Mold and Moisture Problems

Moisture Damage Warning Signs In the Kitchen

Moisture damage can begin in lots of areas of this high-use room!

    Around and Under the Kitchen Sink Look For:

  • A steady drip at the faucet or in the trap beneath the sink
  • Broken or missing tiles around the sink
  • An unsealed edge at the bottom of the back splash behind the sink
  • Any dampness or stains on walls or cabinetry where plumbing pipes pass through

    Maintenance Tip

  • Use a drain opener in the sink periodically even if it isn't backed up.

    Around the Dishwasher Watch For:

  • Water left in the dishwasher after its cycle, which suggests a possible clogged drain or main filter
  • Signs that the dishwasher drain sometimes overflows into the sink, which indicates a possible clogged drain line
  • A trickle of water beneath the dishwasher sometimes, that could mean there's a leaking water hose

    Maintenance Tips

  • Check the vents and drains from the dishwasher.
  • Replace hoses with braided hoses and new hose washers.

    Under and Behind the Refrigerator Look For:

  • Even a small leak from the icemaker supply line

    Maintenance Tips

  • Vacuum the refrigerator coils periodically.


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