June 5, 2004  
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Featured Issue: How to Avoid Mold and Moisture Problems

Moisture Damage Warning Signs On the Exterior of Your House

    Watch Out for Poor Drainage

  • Ground that slopes toward the foundation is a red flag for water problems.
  • Gutter drains that don't open at least five feet away from the house are an invitation to water problems.
  • An unsealed, or cracked driveway can allow rainwater to move toward the foundation, which is why regular driveway maintenance is so important.

    Watch Out for Trees

  • Limbs and leaves that touch the house can hold moisture against the roof or siding and lead to serious water damage.
  • Tree roots can clog septic fields and drain lines.

    What to Look for in the Windows and Doors

  • Loose flashing
  • Cracked or old, stiff sealants
  • Indications of moisture beneath the windows
  • Doors no longer fit tightly against weather stripping
  • Locks no longer hold the doors firmly against their seals

    What to Look for in Siding and the Walls

  • Unpainted, exposed, damp wood
  • New or previous termite infestation, which attracts moisture
  • Cracked caulking
  • Leaks at hose bibs
  • Any missing seals at wall penetrations
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