June 23, 2007  
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Featured Issue: Recipe For a Successful Remodeling Project

Interest rates are low, so if you plan to borrow to make the improvements, now's the time.

Home values in your area may be increasing as your neighbors put on additions; make major kitchen upgrades; or, install energy-efficient replacement windows.

Maybe you just packed off your youngest child to college and want to turn that empty bedroom into a home office-guest room.

You could be planning ahead to a not-too-distant re-sale and want to raise the basis of your home as much as possible before the move, for tax reasons.

As rewarding and satisfying as remodels can be, there's a lot that can go wrong, too. Whatever the impetus behind a remodel, you'll be doing yourself and family a big favor if you go about it methodically. The excitement of a project, and the natural impatience to get it completed, can work against your best interests.

The more you understand about the pitfalls, and how to avoid them, the better.

Here's our best 4-Step Recipe for a Successful Remodel:

Project Selection

There are two important factors to consider when selecting the best remodeling project for your situation. The answers to the following questions will help you to assess your options and make good decisions. More . . .

Budget Setting and Financing

Remodeling project costs have a way of escalating wildly during the design and construction process. Take these steps before you actually begin keep costs under control. More . . .

Contractor Selection

Consumer complaints about home improvement contractors now top the lists of all consumer complaints. More . . .

Successful Remodel Resources

Want to learn which projects are best for your situation; how to select reliable contractors; create contracts that protect your interests; and, become a full partner in the remodeling experience? More . . .

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