How to Play!
Follow these easy steps to win:
- To use your FREE Instant-Win game play, simply click on the game play ticket on the "Confirmation" page.
- You will then be presented with your Instant-Win game play.
- Using your mouse, "em off" the prize boxes by holding down your mouse button, until your game card has revealed the results of your game play.
- If you match 3 like prizes out of the 6, you win that prize! It's that simple. Match 3 Money Stacks and receive a chance to win $500,000 by eming off the Bonus Round prize box.
- You must have a Java Enabled browser to receive your em-Off game card. If not, you will receive your game results without having to em off the game card.
The "Easy Money!" site is designed to run best with Java, JavaScript and Style Sheets turned on. If you don't know what these are, don't worry! -- everything will work fine even without them.
1 in 14 game cards is a winner! Winning couldn't be easier! You could be the lucky winner of $50,000, $100,000, even $500,000 or one of more than 350,000 Instant-Win prizes.
Summary of Rules:
- No Purchase Necessary (See Rules for alternative means of entry).
- Players must be at
least 18 years of age. Void in the States of Florida and New York in
the USA, the Province of Quebec in Canada, and where otherwise prohibited by law, rule or regulation.
- Player information must be true and correct.
- False information will result in disqualification from the Instant- Win Game.
Any information provided for playing the game here is used solely for the delivery and verification of prizes won. We do not sell, rent or lend this information to anyone for any purpose.
If you require assistance, please review
the help page.
Copyright © 1999, RealTIME Media, Inc.
Easy Money on the Internet is US and Foreign Patents Pending.
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