January 8, 2004  
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AHA Home Courses

Articles and tips for homeowners, homebuyers and renters.
Welcome to AHA's online courses. The AHA courses were developed to provide you with all the information you need throughout your life as you move from renting an apartment through living in and maintaining your own home. We have organized our courses into departments to help make it easier for you to find what you need, but feel free to skip around and check out all the departments.

Money Saving Ideas

How to Buy Appliances
How to Save on Energy Bills
How to Insure Your Home and Save
Lower Winter Heating Costs
More . . .

Home Living

Remodeling Value
How to Select Carpet
How to Hire a Contractor
All About Feng Shui
More . . .

Healthy Home

How to Make Your Home Healthy and Safe
Are Your Cleaning Products Harmful?
Build a Safe Playground
Are You a Hazardous Waste Case
More . . .

Your Financial House

How to Improve Your Credit
Watch Out for Mortgage Fraud?
More than One Way to Pay for Remodeling
Top 5 Homeowner Tax Saving Ideas
More . . .

Buying a Home

Determining your Dream Home
Factory Built Homes
Purchase with an FHA Loan
How to Buy a Foreclosed Home
Pros and Cons of Corner Lots
Know the Neighborhood
Shopping for a Loan, Choosing a Lender
How to Improve Your Credit
Cancel Your Contract in 3 Days
Understanding the Closing Process
Choosing Home Inspection Professionals
Know Your Consumer Rights
More . . .

Buying Your First Home

Step 1 - Planning
Step 2 - Financing
Step 3 - Selecting
Step 4 - Buying
Step 5 - Owning
More . . .

The Great Outdoors

Build a Safe Home Playground
All About Arbors and Trellises
Deck Design
Green Grass the Professional Way
More . . .

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