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How to Buy Appliances

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Ceiling Fan Facts and Fallacies

How to Select Carpet

Buy the Fireplace of the Future

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Are Your Cleaning Products Making Your Family Ill?


Carpet Performance Ratings

What are they?

Understanding the Rating System
To find the best carpet for you.

There is a performance rating for carpets that you want to look at before buying. The rating system, called par, is a numerical system ranging from 1 to 5. The 5 rating is the top-of-the-line and extremely, extremely rare. You may run across a 4 now and then, but most brand-name carpets fall into the 3 to 3.75 range. If the carpet is rated a 1 or 2, don't expect to see that on the label. You will have to ask for the rating.

The par rating system is based on a number of factors, such as how well the yarn will resist fraying, how fade-resistant it is, whether it has stain-resistant features or not....basically, all the qualities you want in a carpet.

Two Main Grades
Beyond the performance rating.

There are basically two types of grades for carpeting (beyond the performance rating). They are: base grades and branded yarn.

  • Base Grade

    This is your builder carpet. It meets all the FHA and VA requirements and is generally a 25-1/2 ounce carpet. It costs around $10 per square yard retail. It is the cheapest carpet available. The yarn can come from a variety of mills and is unbranded. There is no consistency to the yarn which means you may have trouble matching the color and quality if you need to replace a section at a later date.

  • Branded Yarn

    This type of carpet is the exact opposite of the base grade. The yarn all comes from the same mill and is the same quality. There will be a trademarked term associated with it, like "wear-dated" to show that it is branded. It retails for approximately $25 per square yard.

What Else Do You Need to Know?

A look at some other basics....

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