On Your Side
Featured Issue: Make the Most of Your Home Equity
Additional Resources
What are Capital Improvements?
Double the pleasure of using your home equity to finance home upgrades by making the right kinds of improvements. It will maximize your tax situation at sale time.
Understanding Basis
Understanding the meaning of basis and its tax implications will also help you make informed decisions when choosing how to spend your home equity loan funds.
Home Equity Loan Fraud
An excellent resource for understanding the extent of the problem and tools for prevention are available at Mortgage Reform.org.
They also offer a free downloadable Sample Settlement Statement to show you what a good one should include.
Been a Victim?
Fear that you may have been a victim of an unscrupulous lender? First, contact HUD. Write to HUD, Attn: RESPA, Room 9146, 451 Seventh St. SW, Washington, D.C. 20410.
The folks at Mortgage Reform.org also offer a free statement review service for people who fear they may have been victims of home equity fraud.